
嫩模吕婉柔再失手机哭着报警 承认有汪小菲密照
2014-06-27 05:03:06 手机看帖子 佛山空调维修
6月27日报道 据广州日报报道,国内嫩模吕婉柔连日遗失两部手机,由于内有前绯闻男友汪小菲照片、与前男友的亲密照及肉麻短信,还有银行户口密码等,她悬疑私隐被揭,前晚哭着报警。
问 她手机内可有曾传绯闻的汪小菲电话及照片?吕婉柔犹豫一会说:“有,两部手机都有,是用汪小菲的姓名。”问她有不见裸照及床照之类的照片?吕婉柔便澄清说,汕头德诚清通公司不见裸照,但有和前男友的亲密照,至于可有留下“情欲短信”?吕婉柔说:“也有一些,‘老婆'、‘我爱你'等谈情时的肉麻短信,唉……不能全面的。”
Lu Wan soft domestic soft mode two days of lost cell phone, because there are pictures before the rumored boyfriend Wang Fei, the former boyfriend of intimate photos and nauseating SMS, as well as bank account passwords, her privacy is exposed suspense last night crying alarm. Lu Wan soft (information)
June 27 report, according to the Guangzhou Daily reported, the domestic soft mode missing two days of Lu Wan soft phone, because there are pictures before the rumored boyfriend Wang Fei, www.kangjie.info and ex-boyfriend of the intimate photos and nauseating SMS, as well as bank account passwords, her suspense private hidden is exposed, last night crying alarm.
Lu Wan soft big loss last night at the nightclub after a expensive phone yesterday matters worse, his assistant to another phone left in the mall toilet.
Lu Wan soft that: "two phones are not seen password, there are many secrets can not be comprehensive." She referred to the "secret", including her parents' bank accounts and even passwords, as well as circle buddy photos and telephone.
Asked her phone may have been rumored Wang Fei phone and photos? Sophie Lu Wan hesitated for a while, said: "Yes, two cell phones have, is the name of Wang." Nude and asked her bed but not according to the type of photos? Ms Lu will be clarified that the soft, but not nude, but the former boyfriend of intimate photos, as may have left "erotic message"? Sophie Lu Wan said: "There are some, 'wife', 'I love you' when such love is the nauseating SMS, alas ... can not comprehensive.
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